How Ujjawal Madan Got His Start in Data Science – From Analyzing Music in School to Analyzing Science in His Career

Ujjawal Madan

September 7, 2021

Ujjawal Madan Got His Start in Data Science – From Analyzing Mu School

Born in New Deli, India, and moving to Atlanta, Ga, after 20 years in Toronto, Canada, for Ujjawal Madan, it all started while he was a student in elementary school picking up the piano at just nine years old. Three years after that, he gained an interest in the trumpet at only twelve years old.

When the Final School Bell Rung

After his school years and closing his high school days, he continued his musical performance earning him partial scholarships and even full rides to such significant universities, including Julliard. When it comes to performance arts, this school is one of the top leaders in the world.

He explains on his website his journey after Juilliard, saying, “As a student, my two biggest interests were math and music, a not so unusual combination. After being accepted to Juilliard for my undergraduate studies, I decided to fully commit myself to become a professional musician, specifically an orchestral player.”

Orchestra was not ‘A Minor’ Part of His Life.

As his music developed, he played in different countries such as Portugal, Spain, England, Korea, and the United States of America. He even arrived in Berlin, Germany, to play for a full house in the Konzerthaus Concert Hall.

Orchestra was Fun, but He Has Other Passions to Explore

Further quote on his website logs him saying, “During an internship in arts administration, I found myself working extensively with the Analytics team on trending, modeling, and forecasting. Enthralled with the capability and potential of analytics as well as its evolving role across all industries, I found myself naturally transitioning into data science. Currently, my priorities are to expand my data science skill-set and toolkit, seek opportunities to apply what I know, and find new ways to solve high impact problems.”

Now his number one priority is to take what he knows about data science and add to his skill-set with more and more tools every day. If there is somewhere he can apply his knowledge and love for data science; he will not waste that opportunity. He seeks out high-impact problems so that he can find creative ways to fix the issues.

Does he Regret Giving up His Music for Technology?

Some may think he was living the dream of playing music at different places worldwide, while Ujjawal Madan not only has zero regrets, he says his transition is his favorite part. It leads him to his unrealized dream where he currently works as a data scientist to solve language-based issues using very high-tech equipment.

We may think traveling the world is living the dream, but Ujjawal Madan prefers to make it a better place.